Saturday, April 21, 2007

Knocked up

I saw this movie in a screening last week and it is now officially my favorite movie. It's called "Knocked Up" and it stars Katherine Heigl, we all know her as Izzie Stevens from Grey's. But the movie is about a one night stand that leads to a pregnancy, and honestly it is just hilarious. I think my favorite line is "Married life is like an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond... but it's not funny.. And it doesn't last 22 minutes..... It lasts forever." And I must say that the screaming during childbirth vaguely reminds me of someone I know. Hmmm. = ) Anyways, Enjoy the trailer, it will make you laugh. And we all need a few laughs these days.

Carry on.


Balancing Act; Jenn said...

Um, it WASN'T me. Thas all I'm sayin. Twas not I.

Uh hum.

Call me oh quiet one. :-)

Anonymous said...

Would that someone be me! Ahh hmmmm?? I think it is too funny that the first time I log on in a ong time and read your entry and there seems to be a reference to me! LOL! I must see this movie so that I can be in the moment, too and laugh out loud! I hope your doing OK! Hugs, and much love!