Sunday, October 07, 2007

Dude. Nah.

If you want to laugh... watch this.


Anonymous said...

So Sorry I haven't mailed your package...I so wanted to, but I couldn't find the mailing envelopes around the house. I had all the dang goodies for the envelope, but no'd think the 3-4 times Tom and I have been to WalMart we'd remember to get one...but no...sorry will go into your gift bag for b-day and I will do better to get you some mail after your visit home. The game this Saturday is an early is at 9:00 ! I can her the OMG all the way here in Chesapeak...believe me we are all saying it...last weekend was our first 9:00 am game and all of us were tired ..S--especially, A, Me and It is a given that T- was...although I must say that life has trained him how to be an early bird these days...wonders never sease. He wakes up and can't go back to sleep. LOL!

I hope you aren't letting the October crud get you! Chin-up! I also know how rotten I am for never calling last Thursday evening like I promised. Sorry :(
Much love and hugs to you sissy.

Balancing Act; Jenn said...

Dude Nah! So love it. So do. It's the final thing Randy says. Cracks my butt up. Dude, Nah. Looks like Randy is losing weight again.

I know you'll be home Thursday night. Maybe we can do lunch on Friday. I have a school volunteering thing in the morning but maybe after? Call me!

Love you.